We guarantee all Tom Beckbe products against manufacturing defects for the life of the product.
We measure a product’s life based on the amount of use the owner has obtained from it. Our guarantee does not extend to damage, normal wear and tear, or abuse of a product. We will first try to repair any Tom Beckbe product that has a manufacturing defect. All such repairs will be performed free of charge but are subject to the availability of parts and materials. We will use our reasonable best efforts to match colors and styles, but we cannot guarantee that repaired items will match the original product exactly. If a Tom Beckbe product covered by our guarantee cannot be repaired or if the cost of such repair exceeds our replacement cost of a new one, then we will replace the product. We reserve the right to rescind or revise our guarantee if a customer abuses it. We will repair damaged Tom Beckbe products that fall outside of our guarantee at cost. If your Tom Beckbe product is worn beyond repair, then we’ll offer you a 15% discount to purchase a new item of the same model. Before replacing your product, we will always first endeavor to repair it. If you would like to reach us, please contact us at info@tombeckbe.com.